Climate Resilient Value Chains for Improved Livelihoods
About the CRAFT Project
The Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) project is private sector-driven intervention working through and promoting viable business cases (BCs) that are climate-smart, inclusive, scalable and have a clear value proposition to all stakeholders, in particular smallholder farmers.
Implemented by the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (lead), in partnership with Wageningen University and Research, Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA), Rabo Partnerships and Agriterra; CRAFT seeks to contribute to increased availability of accessible and resilient food for the growing populations in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Our Impact
The CRAFT project aims to directly benefit 300,000 small holder farmers, 80 agribusiness SMEs and Cooperatives, and ensure climate resilient sustainable food production is practiced on 600,000 hectares.
Since 2018, the Project has realized the following impact:

56 Agribusinesses
41 SMEs and 15 Cooperatives have accessed the matching grant for the implementation of climate change adaptation practices & technologies in their respective value chains.

20 out of 56
Agribusinesses supported by the Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) project are female and youth led.

53% of female, and 47% of male smallholder farmers have been trained in Climate Smart Agriculture practices & technologies.

Smallholder farmers have adopted and or applied two or more climate resilient farming practices on their farms.

Smallholder farmers supported by the Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow experienced an increase in their incomes.

Women and youth have been employed in partner agribusiness SMEs, cooperatives & farmers' groups.