Alito is training small holder farmers on climate-smart agriculture using the farmer field schools and the demonstration gardens strategy. As a result, the approach is stimulating further community adoption beyond the targeted farmers. Furthermore, the company is availing post-harvest-handling equipment such as tarpaulins, motorised threshing to assist in reducing crop harvest losses. Alito is ensuring the targeted 5,500 small holder farmers (SHFs) receive climate-resilient and sustainable seeds such as the Maksoy (3N & 5N) varieties.
Key Interventions
- Enhance the capacity of 5,500 smallholder farmers to improve soybean output by 15% through climate-smart agronomy, linkages to input suppliers, and mechanized farming by 2022.
- Improve resilience to climate Change amongst targeted farmers through the promotion of appropriate climate-smart agricultural practices.
- Improve efficiency in soybean inputs delivery, agronomy, and markets access
- Improve business turnover by at least 10% through developing new market channels and increasing volumes of soybean marketed.
About the Business Champion
ALITO is an edible oil seeds company specializing in the production and supply of soybeans, sunflower, and Sesame (simsim). The company started in 1998 as a Community-Based Organization (CBO) based in Kole district-Northern Uganda. Since its founding, the membership of ALITO has grown with members spread across ten districts in the region; and continues to attract more business investment.
With a commitment to farmers, ALITO currently works with close to 2,000 smallholder farmers (SHFs) and seeks to scale its network of farmers to 5,500 in the next three years.