079 3350 6419
About Me
Vivamus quis neque eget sem sodales finibus vel vitae mauris. Nullam velit ligula, dignissim in libero ut.
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CRAFT works through and with private and public sector partners to create an enabling environment based on field evidence for wide-scale adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices at all st...
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Round Potato (Solanum tuberosum) offers food security to Kenya’s population and commercial benefits to smallholder farmers. However, varied weather patterns due to climate change affect its yields and...
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The partnership that CRAFT has with FreshCrop Co. Ltd is mainly guided by 3 objectives 1) integrating climate smart practises in the production of ware potato, 2) offering bundled climate-smart servic...
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The partnership between CRAFT and Starlight Farmers’ Cooperative Society Ltd aims to develop climate proof approaches in the potato value chain by promoting greater awareness and facilitating the upta...

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