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Vivamus quis neque eget sem sodales finibus vel vitae mauris. Nullam velit ligula, dignissim in libero ut.
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Under this partnership, Shalem Investment Ltd is expected to mobilise and train TOTs on climate smart agriculture, who will ultimately transfer the acquired skills and knowledge contracted smallholder...
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The partnership between Quinam Investment Company Ltd (Quinum) and CRAFT aims to improve sorghum output of 4,500 smallholder farmers (SHFs) by 15% by 2022 through the promotion of appropriate climate...
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This month, the Climate Resilient Agri-business for Tomorrow (CRAFT) Project will join the rest of the world at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, marking the 30th anniversary of the UN Framework Convention on...
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Smallholder farmers, agribusiness SMEs and Cooperatives, policymakers, the donor community, the academia, agricultural service providers, private financiers, and other relevant food value chain actors...

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